Ftuħ mill-ġdid tal-Akkademja tal-Isnooker

Matul dawn l-aħħar jiem saru diversi laqgħat bejn l-MBSA u SportMalta rigward il-ftuħ mill-ġdid tal-Akkademja tal-Isnooker.

Ġie deċiż illi l-Akkademja tiftaħ b’effett mill-10 ta’ Mejju b’dawn ir-regolamenti:

  • Il-Ħinijiet tal-ftuħ ser ikunu mit-Tnejn sal-Ġimgħa mit-08:00 sal-22:00, is-Sibt mit-08:00 sal-17:00 u l-Ħadd mit-08:00 sas-13:00.
  • Kull plejer li jidħol fl-Akkademja u bħal ma kien issir matul l-aħħar ġimgħat, titteħidlu t-temperatura, jagħmel is-sanitizzazzjoni u jniżżel id-dettalji personali tiegħu.
  • Plejers li jkunu qegħdin jistennew biex jiġu allokati mejda iridu jistennew fiż-żona ta’ stennija li apparti l-entratura prinċipali ser tiġi estiża lejn iż-żona fejn hemm l-imwejjed iż-żgħar u dan sabiex f’kull ħin u f’kull mument tinżamm id-distanza soċjali.
  • Jintużaw 4 mwejjed biss u li huma il-1, 3, 5 u 7 u dan sabiex tiġi osservata d-distanza soċjali u jkun hemm limitu ta’ 8 persuni fiż-żona. Madankollu, peress illi l-Assoċjazzjoni ser tkun qed tibgħat lil Brian Cini u Aaron Busuttil biex jipparteċipaw fi Q School, dawn ser ikunu allokati mejda għalihom f’ċertu ħinijiet sabiex jitħarrġu bi preparazzjoni għal dan it-tournament u dan sa nhar il-Ħadd 23 ta’ Mejju. Iġifieri f’ċertu ħinijiet ser ikun hemm biss 3 imwejjed disponibbli.
  • Ma’ kull mejda jista’ jkun hemm biss żewġ plejers u dawn ser ikollhom disponibbli għalihom ħin massimu ta’ sagħtejn u dan biex jingħata ċans lil kulħadd. Jekk ma jkunx hemm plejers jistennew biex jiġu allokati mejda, dan il-ħin jiġi estiż b’sagħtejn oħra.

Kull persuna huwa obbligat li josserva dawn ir-regolamenti u jekk ikun hemm xi persuna li ma tikkoperax, tali persuna taffċja sospensjoni mill-Akkademja.

Dawn ir-regolamenti huma b’mod temporanju u sakemm jitneħħew aktar miżuri mill-Awtoritajiet tas-Saħħa u nkomplu resqin aktar lejn in-normalità. F’każ ta’ xi żviluppi ġodda jerġgħa jinħareġ avviż ieħor maż-żmien.

Rigward il-Kampjonati Nazzjonali, l-Assoċjazzjoni għandha pjan ta’ kif it-tkomplija ta’ dawn il-kompetizzjonijiet tista’ ssir imma aktar dettalji jinħarġu fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin u dan biex tkompli tiġi osservata s-sitwazzjoni kurrenti u wara l-ftuħ tal-Akkademja.

Il-Kumitat jirringrazzjakom bil-quddiem tal-koperazzjoni tagħkom.


Following meetings between MBSA and SportsMalta, it has been decided that the Snooker Academy will re-open on the 10th May with several temporary measures and these are as follows:

  • The opening hours will be – Monday to Friday from 08:00 till 22:00, Saturday from 08:00 till 17:00 and Sunday from 08:00 till 13:00.
  • Upon entry, a temperature check will be made and every player must make use of the sanitisation alongside writing the personal details for contact tracing purposes.
  • Players who will be waiting to be allocated a Snooker Table must wait in the Reception area which will now include the area where there are the Junior Snooker Tables and this to ensure that the social distance will be observed.
  • Only 4 Snooker Tables will be used and this will be done to observe the social distance and keep a limit of 8 players in the area. The tables to be used are the 1, 3, 5 and 7. Since the Association will be sending Brian Cini and Aaron Busuttil to compete in Q School (UK), one of these tables will be allocated to these two players during certain times inorder for them to train and prepare for this upcoming tournament and up to the 23rd of May.
  • There can only be 2 players with every Snooker Table and there will be a limit of 2 hours which can be extended to a further 2 hours if no player is waiting to be allocated a Snooker Table.

Every person will be obliged to observe these rules and anyone who fails to cooperate will face a suspension from the Acadamy.

These rules are temporary and until the Health Authorities removes more restrictive measures. In any case that there will be any updates, another statement will be issued.

Regarding the National Snooker Championship, the Association prepared a plan on how the Championship will continue and such details will be communicated in the coming weeks so that we continue observing the current situation especially after the opening of the Academy.

The Executive Committee would like to thank everyone for their cooperation.

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